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Services _USCA TAX



 Individual results may vary based on specific circumstances, including but not limited to your ability to provide USCA TAX with information that is accurate and timely. We do not guarantee a particular outcome. We do not guarantee that your tax debts will be lowered by a specific amount or percentage, nor that your tax debt will be paid off within a specific period of time. We do guarantee that IRS programs will be available to you if you qualify. Please be advised that penalties and interest may continue to accrue until your tax liability has been successfully resolved. USCA TAX is a tax resolution firm independent of the IRS. USCA TAX does not assume tax debt, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting, or legal services. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment. All services are not available in all states.

USCA TAX INC has a 7-day money-back guarantee. Any monies paid under the Contract Agreement within the first 7 calendar days can be refunded without any penalty or obligation. This money-back guarantee ONLY applies to the fee paid for the Investigation Phase and NOT for those enrolled in our Advanced Resolution Services. 

Step 1 _ Consultation

 The consultation is 100% free. This is your time to tell us your side of the story.

Step 2 _ Investigation

 This is were we establish contact with the IRS or State on your behalf. Pull and analyze tax master file reports. Conduct a financial evaluation and assess programs that are available.

Step 3 _ Investigation Summary

 This is where we go over the findings of the investigation and make a professional recommendation by given you  a step by step action plan tailored to your unique circumstance.

Step 4 _ Resolution Strategy

Establish IRS compliance and achieve the best resolution.

Tax Preparation _

Tax preparation is a separate service and is not apart of the investigation. While in the investigation phase we may uncover missing tax filings and require that they be filed. A lot of  time the IRS or State  will not allow a resolution until the missing years are filed.

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